Saturday, August 22, 2009

Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone
Harry Potter thinks he's an ordinary boy, until he turns a 11 and everything changes...
When he finds out that he is a wizard and gets enrolled in Hogwarts school of
witchcraft and wizardry. He also found out the real reason why his parents died, because of an evil sorceress named Lord Voldermort. During Harry's 1st year he becomes the youngest seeker in a century! and with the help of his best friends Ron and Hermione they battle ogres pass their classes and find the secret under professor Quirells turban....

My favorite part is when Ron, Hermione and Harry get past the three headed dogs and down the chamber and pass all the challenges the professors had made and when harry goes and meets voldemort and defeats him.

by: Saige Kelsey


Michael said...

I remember the part with the 3 headed dog very clearly, Saige. It was my most exciting part in this book as well. I'm a little surprised you've not read this book until now. :-)

Saige Kelsey said...

oh no. i read it in 3rd grade or 2nd.

Elise said...

Hey buddd!
This sounds like a really good book. I haven't read it yet because I'm not that interested in Harry Potter. By reading what you wrote I can imagine that you enjoyed that book a lot.