Monday, May 31, 2010

Favourite Ad

DANIEL's Snicker Ad

My favourite ad was Daniel's. It was for Snickers, this ad's purpose was to make you buy snicker bars when you watch the ad. The ad is after a long tiring day a snickers bar will cheer you up and make you fell younger and fresher.

The target audience is people tired and old after a long game, boring day at work or just a tiring day. More likely teens- Adults.

I liked this ad because it was funny and interesting make you watch it to the end. This ad was straightforward, persuading and promoted. This ad was promoted with a famous actor with a big reputation being the funny grandma in the Proposal.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lie vs. Ask any Question

I would pick lie even though i dont want to i could pass any question they ask me and for instence if they ask me if i lie i could just say i didnt. And in Jonas's case it would be a good thing so that he could lie about his day and lie about his dreams. I think that lying is bad exspecially in my religon but if i was to live in Jonas's communite and his world i would pick to lie.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Journal Entry!

Social life vs. Homework

            Some people think its WAYY okay to skip doing their homework just because their teacher will be cool with it. But it gets you wondering that did they ever stop to think if their teachers really did care? In the inside they notice, yep of course they do I think what they might hate the most is why didn’t they do it?  The real reason they give homework is practice, yeah just practice. If you don’t do your homework and on the test you get a D no its not your teachers fault for teaching you wrong its your own for not doing practice, deal with it!
            Social life?            The truth is social life is much more fun than sitting at your desk for and hour or 2 writing and reading. Going out being around people is better, but if you want to continue going out with friends your parents might expect you to first well pass school?

The end of the year as come in a blink of the eye!
I have 4 parties this week a couple more tests then HAWLALULA summer break!



bye for now~


The Giver

These past two days i have been feeling apprehensive and excited waiting for the ceremony of 12 to come. Here it comes in order there goes 1, 2,3 ... 18 then 20 WHAT?! At the end of the assignments just to make
it worse, they call me up and i have given been selected not assigned as the next receiver of memory, you 
should have seen the look on the crowds faces almost as confused as me. What does this mean, What will i do? But i have realized lately that i do see things differently from others and maybe this is why i have been selected, i will wait to find out, i am so confused!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Journal time

Today was pretty average. We had an oral in French and learned about puberty in Health. -_- . I had swimming this morning i woke up at 4:30 and went to swimming at 5. i was tired and had no breakfast so now im writing this STARVING.

Without touch my afternoons are empty! becuase i swim in the morning and gymnastics on only monday and friday. I have 2 partys this weekend including a gymnastics competition. Overall my life is pretty boring!.

But yesterday it kinda shocked me when on the way to math there was this blood trail to the nurse and i found out that santi had hit his head on the door and so his forehead is cut. Ouch!

2 more full weeks of school then summer break!

Summer break

I cant wait to be finished with homework, swimming, gymnastics and 6th grade! but when im in australia i have like no friends because ive never lived there and so i pretty much do nothing but its a getaway from normal life.

This year i get to visit eddie!! yeah thats right a real person! and im also driving around australia which is comci comca (so so in french :P) And i also get to visit my Aussie friends that now live in Canberra but used to go to JIS and their like family-family bestfriends and i consider them as family.

Im kinda stuck on what to write because theres nothing that interesting so ill end it here!

Au Revoir,

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Persuasive Advertising

Nike Air Max+
Target Audience
Young Athletes

  • Comforatble
  • Light
  • Stylish
  • Long Lasting

I am fast, i am strong, i am Nike Air Max+.

I can stand the ripping of air the pressure, while scenes float by, from my soles to my tops i am invinsible unable to tear apart you cant feel me work your feet but i am there.

 My speed leaves your legs back at the starting line the cushioned insides make your running and sports a lot more comfortable.

I can also stand the weight of the gold medal hanging down off your shirt.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Giver

A jet flew over the city.
A boy got distracted viewing salmon.
The family shares their feelings, dinner.