Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Author Writing

Dr. Suess

Dr. Suess ws born on March 2 1904. Dr. Suess real name was Theodor Suess Geisel and he wasnt really a doctor he liked to have fun with his readers. Dr. Suess attened Dartmouth college and worked very hard to be editor in chief of Jack-o-lantern a humor magazine in dartmouth. his job in jack-o-lantern ended when he and his friends threw a party which was not in school policy, but he continued to contribute and that was the first time he used suess (which was his middle name and his mothers maiden name). Then he joined Oxford where he studied to be a proffesser but then took a girl named Helen palmers advice and took art, but later he married Helen Palmer in 1927. During world war ll Dr. Suess started drawing cartoons. After the war he and helen moved to California and wrote childrens books. On October 23, 1967 his wife comited sucide during an illness. A year later dr. Suess married Audrey Stone Dimond on June 21.
On September 24, 1991 Dr. Suess died of an illness.

By: Saige

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone
Harry Potter thinks he's an ordinary boy, until he turns a 11 and everything changes...
When he finds out that he is a wizard and gets enrolled in Hogwarts school of
witchcraft and wizardry. He also found out the real reason why his parents died, because of an evil sorceress named Lord Voldermort. During Harry's 1st year he becomes the youngest seeker in a century! and with the help of his best friends Ron and Hermione they battle ogres pass their classes and find the secret under professor Quirells turban....

My favorite part is when Ron, Hermione and Harry get past the three headed dogs and down the chamber and pass all the challenges the professors had made and when harry goes and meets voldemort and defeats him.

by: Saige Kelsey

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn
Breaking Dawn is the fourth and last book of the Twilight saga by Stephenie
Isabella Swan lives a life of fantasy with a werewolf as a best friend (Jacob Black) and a love for a vampire (Edward Cullen) but living in that life of fantasy gives a 1 consequence and that is danger. In this book Bella gives birth to a half human half vampire, no human could survive that and so she must choose a life of immortality or end her life altogether... meanwhile Jacob Black is stuck between two choses either kill Bella or protect her.

My favourite part of the book is when the Cullens gather all the vampires to fight the well respected Volturi and prove that renesmee (bella and edward's child) is not an immortal child. They gather 9 vampire covens to prove innocent. The reason i like this part is because i like the action and you finally get to meet all the covens. I also like this part because it is the end of the twilight saga and it has action drama and happiness all together in that part.

By: Saige Kelsey

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Typhon Morokat

Typhon Morokat was the worst Taiwan had in 50 years. It struck Taiwan on the 9th of August 2009. We are studying this typhon for our mapping unit and for social studies. We used google earth for this unit and some diagrams to help us see where the typhon hit the most also some pictures to see what Morokat had done to the city of Chiya. I chose this picture because so you can see how strong the waves were and what it did. In this picture the typhons waves are knocking down two houses and the one in the front was a big and sturdy house but the waves took over. The waves were so powerful because when the waves went under the houses they cut it from the ground which made them fall.This typhon relates to our mapping unit because we look at were this hits.

Friday, August 14, 2009



the first week of ms was the bestest!!!
i loove middle school way better than elementry cause here u get way more freedom (including the food) and the classes are way more awsome!!! i have french and music as my elsctives on white days and on blue days i have PE and spanish!! we had the mile on the 2nd pe class ad ya i know tiring!!! even tho it takes soo much time and money to buty ur suply's it is AWSOME!! we also had a math test... urrgg... but other than that
I <3 MS