Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Author Writing

Dr. Suess

Dr. Suess ws born on March 2 1904. Dr. Suess real name was Theodor Suess Geisel and he wasnt really a doctor he liked to have fun with his readers. Dr. Suess attened Dartmouth college and worked very hard to be editor in chief of Jack-o-lantern a humor magazine in dartmouth. his job in jack-o-lantern ended when he and his friends threw a party which was not in school policy, but he continued to contribute and that was the first time he used suess (which was his middle name and his mothers maiden name). Then he joined Oxford where he studied to be a proffesser but then took a girl named Helen palmers advice and took art, but later he married Helen Palmer in 1927. During world war ll Dr. Suess started drawing cartoons. After the war he and helen moved to California and wrote childrens books. On October 23, 1967 his wife comited sucide during an illness. A year later dr. Suess married Audrey Stone Dimond on June 21.
On September 24, 1991 Dr. Suess died of an illness.

By: Saige

1 comment:

Michael said...

Pretty good work on this Saige, but make sure the writng is your own. It's looking like something that came right off a website, maybe not word for word, but idea for idea.

Can you go into the edit mode and fix the spacing?